The end of webinars!

Type of post: Profile news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Seb Farrall
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 14 May 2020
Hello friends, 

While I had an enjoyable time producing the webinars I did feel that my time could have been more productively used generating income in other ways. One of them being developing an app...(more on that later!). Particularly when considering the preparation time, especially for 'Theory Thursdays'.

I am sorry if you were a regular viewer, or were indeed lined up to join chatty-Tuesdays, but for now the door is closing. As I said, it was enjoyable, but overall was not cost effective to run! 

Much Love, 
Seb. x

Oh, and a special thanks should go to Owen for being my most regular viewer, participant and supporter! Amazing!